One goal:
Raise funds to support those people affected by the floods
Sign up to #Ride2Raise and join the ride on December 31st.
Find someone to Sponsor your Ride by contributing to MERCY Malaysia's Flood Response & Recovery fund.
All the sponsorship goes directly to
MERCY Malaysia as part of their Flood Response Fund Appeal
(click "I will Sponsor" below for the details).


The Lost Food Project
All the sponsorship goes directly to The Lost Food Project as part of their COVID19 appeal and to be able to quickly get help to those in need.
The Lost Food Project
Bank: Maybank Berhad
Account no: 5148 9706 8927
Please add: run4others as description
And please let us know via the link above "I will Sponsor" which runner you are sponsoring.
You can also transfer via Credit Card through TLFP Website, link below.
Please note the Monthly and Single gift option.